Internet Connectivity

The Library provides 10 Internet-connected computers to Monarch Library cardholders. All public computers have Windows 10 with Microsoft Office Standard 2016 including Microsoft Word, Publisher, Power Point, and Excel.

Wireless Access

We also offer WiFi access throughout the library. You can connect for an unlimited amount of time on your own device.


Printing is available through the hardwired computers onsite. At this time, we do not have wi-fi printing capabilities. Printing costs are requested on a donation basis at $0.25 cents per black and white copy and $0.50 cents for color.

Computer Usage Guidelines

  • Users will need their Monarch Library System library card number to log in and the account must be in good standing.
  • Guest privileges are available for visitors.
  • Computers are available on a first-come, first-serve basis.
  • Users must abide by the library’s Internet Use Policy.
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